Thank You For Choosing & Trusting Us With Your Health!
We understand you may have questions/concerns regarding your first visit.
What You Can Expect On Your First Visit!
1) History
First, we will start by taking a thorough history. This will give us an understanding of your injury, how it came on, why did it happen, and any complicating factors.
2) Exam
We will then proceed with a comprehensive neurological and orthopedic exam. This will help to determine and locate what the pain generating structures are; whether it is a nerve problem, joint problem, muscle problem, or a little bit of each. This will also help us customize your treatment plan for care.
3) Evaluation
Next, we will follow up with a functional biomechanical evaluation to determine what might be your underling movement faults. This will give us a better understanding of what has caused your pain to come on in the first place. The functional exam will help classify the issue into different groups. Is this a postural problem, movement problem, stability problem, or mobility problem?
4) Patient Education
Since most injuries are non-traumatic in nature, we believe that correcting and teaching proper posture, movement, and balancing out the body will help offload those painful structures. This will allow your body to not only heal itself, but help prevent further damage as well.
5) Diagnostic Imaging
After our evaluation, if we feel further testing, such as an X-Ray or MRI is warranted, we will provide a prescription for you.
6) Treatment
Lastly, we will talk abut treatment plans and how to move forward. Treatments often include; Active Release Technique, Graston, Chiropractic Adjustments, Corrective Rehabilitation Exercises, Flexion Distraction, Postural Education, and more.
Please call or email us if you have any questions, (609) 415-2821 or
The more you understand your pain, the more we can do together to progress the healing process & restore your quality of life!